Antoine Dailly


Published papers

  1. A. D. and Elżbieta Sidorowicz, Neighbour sum distinguishing edge-weightings with local constraints, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 336, 109-124, 2023. [arXiv|HAL|www]
  2. A. D., Laura Eslava, Adriana Hansberg and Denae Ventura, The balancing number and list balancing number of some graph classes, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 30(1), 2023. [arXiv|HAL|www]
  3. A. D., Éric Duchêne, Aline Parreau and Elżbieta Sidorowicz, The Neighbour Sum Distinguishing Relaxed Edge Colouring, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 419, 126864, 2022. [HAL|www]
  4. A. D., Adriana Hansberg and Denae Ventura, On the balanceability of some graph classes, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 291, 51-63, 2021. [arXiv|HAL|www]
  5. A. D., Éric Duchêne, Urban Larsson and Gabrielle Paris, Partition games, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 285, 509-525, 2020. [arXiv|HAL|www]
  6. A. D., Julien Moncel and Aline Parreau, Connected Subtraction Games on Subdivided Stars, INTEGERS, 19, 2019. [arXiv|HAL|www]
  7. A. D., Florent Foucaud and Adriana Hansberg, Strengthening the Murty-Simon conjecture on diameter 2 critical graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 342(11), 3142-3159, 2019. [arXiv|HAL|www]
  8. A. D., Valentin Gledel and Marc Heinrich, A generalization of Arc-Kayles, International Journal of Game Theory, 48(2), 491-511, 2019. [arXiv|HAL|www]
  9. Laurent Beaudou, Pierre Coupechoux, A. D., Sylvain Gravier, Julien Moncel, Aline Parreau and Éric Sopena, Octal Games on Graphs: The game 0.33 on subdivided stars and bistars, Theoretical Computer Science, 746, 19-35, 2018. [arXiv|HAL|www]
  10. Nicolas Bousquet, A. D., Éric Duchêne, Hamamache Kheddouci and Aline Parreau, A Vizing-like theorem for union vertex-distinguishing edge coloring, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 232, 88-98, 2017. [arXiv|HAL|www]

Papers published in proceedings of conferences

  1. Dibyayan Chakraborty, A. D., Florent Foucaud and Ralf Klasing, Algorithms and complexity for path covers of temporal DAGs, in 49th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 306, pp. 38:1-38:17, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2024. [HAL|arXiv|www]
  2. Laurent Beaudou, Pierre Bergé, Vsevolod Chernyshev, A. D., Yan Gérard, Aurélie Lagoutte, Vincent Limouzy and Lucas Pastor, The Canadian Traveller Problem on outerplanar graphs, in 49th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 306, pp. 38:1-38:17, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2024. [arXiv|www]
  3. Jan Bok, A. D. and Tuomo Lehtilä, Resolving Sets in Temporal Graphs, in Rescigno, A.A., Vaccaro, U. (eds) Combinatorial Algorithms. IWOCA 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14764. Springer, Cham. [HAL|arXiv|www]
  4. A. D., Pascal Lafourcade et Gaël Marcadet, Swish: complexity and unplayable positions, in 12th International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 291, pp. 10:1-10:19, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2024. [HAL|www]
  5. A. D., Florent Foucaud and Anni Hakanen, Algorithms and hardness for Metric Dimension on digraphs, Proceedings of the 49th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2023). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14093:232-245, 2023. [HAL|arXiv|www]
  6. Dibyayan Chakraborty, A. D., Sandip Das, Florent Foucaud, Harmender Gahlawat and Subir Kumar Ghosh, Complexity and algorithms for Isometric Path Cover on chordal graphs and beyond, Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2022), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 248,12:1-12:17, 2022. [HAL|www]

Submitted papers

  • A. D., Harmender Gahlawat and Zin Mar Myint, The Closed Geodetic Game: algorithms and strategies. [HAL|arXiv]
  • A. D., Valentin Gledel, Richard Nowakowski and Carlos Santos, Simple Chopsticks: Playing with any number of hands and fingers. [HAL|arXiv]
  • Kyle Burke, A. D. and Nacim Oijid, Complexity and algorithms for Arc-Kayles and Non-Disconnecting Arc-Kayles. [HAL]
  • Journal versions of C1, C2, C4 and C5.

  • Research reports

  • Criticality, identification and vertex deletion games on graphs
    PhD Thesis (Université Lyon 1), September 2018. Under the supervision of Aline Parreau, Éric Duchêne and Hamamache Kheddouci. [PDF (french)|Extended abstract (english)|Slides]
  • Octal Games on Graphs
    Master Thesis, Master IADE, June 2015. Under the supervision of Aline Parreau and Éric Duchêne. [PDF]

  • Talks

    International conferences

  • The Closed Geodetic Game: algorithms and strategies
    P-GASE Workshop (Lyon, France), October 2024. [Slides]
  • Algorithms and hardness for Metric Dimension on digraphs
    WG 2023 - 49th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (Fribourg, Switzerland), June 2023. [Slides]
  • Subtraction Games on Graphs
    CGTC 4 - Combinatorial Game Theory Colloquium IV (São Miguel, Azores, Portugal), January 2023. [Slides]
  • Neighbour sum-distinguishing edge colorings with local constraints
    ICGT 2022 - International Colloquium on Graph Theory and combinatorics 2022 (Montpellier, France), July 2022. [Abstract|Slides]
  • Connected Subtraction Games on Graphs
    CGTC 3 - Combinatorial Game Theory Colloquium III (Lisbon, Portugal), January 2019. [Slides]
  • A strengthening of the Murty-Simon Conjecture for diameter 2 critical graphs
    ICGT 2018 - International Colloquium on Graph Theory and combinatorics 2018 (Lyon, France), July 2018. [Abstract|Slides]
  • Octal Games on Graphs
    CGTC 2 - Combinatorial Game Theory Colloquium II (Lisbon, Portugal), January 2017. [Slides]
  • A Vizing-like theorem for union vertex-distinguishing edge coloring
    BGW 2016 - Bordeaux Graph Workshop 2016, LaBRI (Bordeaux, France), November 2016. [Abstract|Slides]

  • National conferences

  • Partition en chemins et théorème de Dilworth dans les graphes temporels
    JGA'23 - Journées Graphes et Algorithmes 2023, Université Lyon 1 (Lyon, France), November 2023. [Slides]
  • Isometric Path Cover : complexité et algorithmes sur les graphes cordaux
    JGA'22 - Journées Graphes et Algorithmes 2022, ENS (Paris, France), November 2022. [Abstract|Slides]
  • La coloration d-relaxée somme-distinguante
    JGA'21 - Journées Graphes et Algorithmes 2021, online, November 2021. [Abstract|Slides]
  • Équilibrabilité et nombre d’équilibrage des cycles
    JGA'20 - Journées Graphes et Algorithmes 2020, online, November 2020. [Abstract|Slides]
  • Balancing graphs using bicolored edges
    XXXV Coloquio Victor Neumann-Lara de Teoría de las Gráficas, Combinatoria y sus Aplicaciones (Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico), March 2020. [Slides]
  • Renforcer la conjecture de Murty-Simon sur les graphes critiques de diamètre 2
    JGA'18 - Journées Graphes et Algorithmes 2018, G-SCOP (Grenoble, France), November 2018. [Abstract|Slides]
  • Coloration d'arêtes union-distinguante
    JGA'16 - Journées Graphes et Algorithmes 2016, LAMSADE (Paris, France), November 2016. [Abstract|Slides]
  • Jeux octaux sur les graphes : 0.03
    JGA'15 - Journées Graphes et Algorithmes 2015, LIFO (Orléans, France), November 2015. [Abstract|Slides]

  • Seminars

  • A Canadian is traveling on an outerplanar graph...
    LIMD team seminar, LAMA (Chambéry, France), January 2025. [Slides]
  • Graphs and algorithms for path planning, path finding and more
    TSCF unit seminar (Clermont-Ferrand, France ; online), October 2024.
  • Path Covers of Temporal Graphs
    LIP6 RO team seminar (Paris, France; online), April 2024.
  • Path Covers of Temporal Graphs
    LITIS seminar (Le Havre, France), March 2024. [Slides]
  • Path Covers of Temporal Graphs
    LIFO seminar (Orléans, France), February 2024. [Slides]
  • Algorithms for the Metric Dimension problem on directed graphs
    GALaC team seminar, LISN (Paris, France), March 2023.
  • Algorithms for the Metric Dimension problem on directed graphs
    Séminaire algorithmique distribuée et graphes, IRIF (Paris, France), March 2023.
  • Algorithms for the Metric Dimension problem on directed graphs
    Seminar at LIMOS (Clermont-Ferrand, France), March 2023.
  • Algorithms for the Metric Dimension problem on directed graphs
    Séminaire Algo du GREYC (Caen, France), February 2023. [Slides]
  • Balanceability
    Séminaire AlCoLoCo (Clermont-Ferrand, France), October 2022. [Slides]
  • Subtraction Games on Graphs: Complexity, regularity and polynomial algorithms
    Séminaire LIGM (Paris (Champs-sur-Marne), France), March 2022.
  • Équilibrabilité
    Séminaire de mathématiques discrètes (Grenoble, France), October 2021. [Slides]
  • Strengthening the Murty-Simon Conjecture on diameter-2-critical graphs
    VCU Discrete Mathematics Seminar (Virginia Commonwealth University; online), October 2021. [Abstract|Slides]
  • Équilibrabilité
    Séminaire ACRO (Marseille, France; online), February 2021.
  • Jeux de soustraction dans les graphes : Complexité et algorithmes polynomiaux
    Groupe de travail GaMoC (Orléans, France), October 2020. [Slides]
  • A strengthening of the Murty-Simon Conjecture for diameter 2 critical graphs
    Seminario Preguntón, Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM (Juriquilla, Mexico), September 2019.
  • Jeux octaux dans les graphes
    Séminaire LIS (Marseille, France), April 2019.
  • Jeux octaux dans les graphes
    Séminaire LIB (Dijon, France), March 2019.
  • Jeux octaux dans les graphes
    Séminaire Optimisation Combinatoire (Bordeaux, France), January 2019. [Slides]
  • Jeux octaux dans les graphes
    Séminaire AlCoLoCo (Clermont-Ferrand, France), December 2018. [Slides]
  • Rooks and Arc-Kayles
    Seminario Preguntón, Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM (Juriquilla, Mexico), December 2017. [Slides]
  • Octal games on graphs : 0.03 and 0.33
    Graphes@Lyon 2015, LIP&LIRIS (Lyon, France), October 2015. [Slides]
  • Posters

  • Gráficas balanceables
    Puertas Abiertas Posgrado Ciencias Matemáticas, Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM (Juriquilla, Mexico), January 2020. [Poster]